Counseling » Counseling Center Team

Counseling Center Team

Mr. Harris - Counselor       
 David Harris Photo 
 Students A - Bur
Mrs. Usgaard - Counselor
Katy Newling
Students Bus - Ek
Mr. Blodgett - Counselor
Photo of man
Students El - Heg
Miss Strahan - Counselor
Stacey Strahan
Students Hei - Let
Ms. Christensen - Counselor 
Courtney Christensen
Students Let - Ner
Miss Easton - Counseling Lead
photo of woman
Students Nes - Rif
Ms. Anderson - Counselor
Katelyn Anderson
Students Rig - Su
Mr. Elder - Counselor
photo of man
Students Sv- Z
Miss Omlie- School Psychologist
Christina Omlie
Mr. Downs - School Psychologist
Kade Downs photo
Mr. Webster - School Social Worker
Kip Webster
Mrs. Dickson - School Social Worker
Sierra Dickson
Mrs. Barney- Scholarship Advisor
Emily Barney
Brandi Price - Counseling Center Administrative Assistant
Photo of Brandi Price
Jen Kroff - Counseling Center Assistant
Photo of Jen Kroff
Sandy Greenwood - 504 Coordinator / Counseling Center Assistant
Sandy Greenwood Photo